PULMS Features

PULMS Features

by Moodle Administrator -

We welcome, Students, Teaching Fraternity and administrators to this new integrated LMS system. This system is based on Moodle and integrated with Microsoft365 ...


We welcome, Students, Teaching Fraternity and administrators to this new integrated LMS system. This system is based on Moodle and integrated with Microsoft365 authentication

This new site has been a number of months in planning and development, and throughout the process of development we have worked with individuals with skill and experience.

The result?

This new lms.pondiuni.edu.in site you are viewing!

Let’s take a look at some new things that will help your teaching a pleasure.

1. Activity & Resources

There are 20 different types of activities in the standard Moodle that can be found when the editing is turned on and the link 'Add an activity or resource' is clicked.

  • Assignments - Enable teachers to grade and give comments on uploaded files and assignments created on and off line
  • Attendance - The Attendance activity is designed for teachers to be able to take attendance during class, and for students to be able to view their own attendance record. Students may mark their own attendance.
  • Chat - Allows participants to have a real-time synchronous discussion
  • Choice - A teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses
  • Database - Enables participants to create, maintain and search a bank of record entries
  • Feedback - For creating and conducting surveys to collect feedback.
  • Forum - Allows participants to have asynchronous discussions
  • Glossary - Enables participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary
  • H5P activity - Enables H5P content created in the Content bank or on h5p.com to be easily added to a course as an activity.
  • Lesson - For delivering content in flexible ways
  • (LTI) External tool - Allows participants to interact with LTI compliant learning resources and activities on other web sites. 
  • Quiz -Allows the teacher to design and set quiz tests, which may be automatically marked and feedback and/or to correct answers shown
  • SCORM - Enables SCORM packages to be included as course content
  • Survey - For gathering data from students to help teachers learn about their class and reflect on their own teaching
  • Wiki - A collection of web pages that anyone can add to or edit
  • Workshop - Enables peer assessment
  • Book - Multi-page resources with a book-like format. Teachers can export their Books as IMS CP (admin must allow teacher role to export IMS)
  • File - A picture, a pdf document, a spreadsheet, a sound file, a video file
  • Folder - For helping organize files and one folder may contain other folders
  • IMS content package - Add static material from other sources in the standard IMS content package format
  • Label - Can be a few displayed words or an image used to separate resources and activities in a topic section, or can be a lengthy description or instructions
  • Page - The student sees a single, scrollable screen that a teacher creates with the robust HTML editor
  • URL - You can send the student to any place they can reach on their web browser, for example Wikipedia
2. Repository

Repositories in Moodle enable users to add files to a course and other locations in Moodle. Repositories provide access to specific types of file sources. They can also allow, where appropriate, users to upload files, access previously uploaded files, and to easily bring content into Moodle from external sources

Repositories enabled by default

  • Content bank Gives access to H5P files created or uploaded into the content bank in courses (in 3.9 onwards)
  • Embedded files - Allows linking to files and images available to the user that have been added/embedded in their course activities
  • Server files - Gives access to files elsewhere on the Moodle site (limited by a user's permissions)
  • Recent files - Shows the last 50 files you have uploaded, according to the context
  • Upload a file - Enables the "Upload a file" option in the site File picker to allow users to browse for and upload files
  • Private files - Enables access to a personal storage area for every user
  • URL downloader - Allows downloading of files and images from a particular URL
  • Wikimedia - Let's users search for and insert media (images) from Wikipedia

Additional standard repositories disabled by default (request the administrator to enable)

  • Box - bring files in from your Box account
  • Legacy course files - use the old system from 1.9 of "course files" (pertains to sites upgraded to 1.9)
  • Dropbox - link to or copy files from Dropbox
  • EQUELLA - link to files in an EQUELLA installation
  • File system - access files uploaded to a folder on your server (by, eg FTP)
  • Flickr - search for and display images from your personal Flickr account
  • Flickr public - search for and display images publicly available from Flickr
  • Google Drive - bring files from your Google Drive account
  • Merlot.org - bring resources in from Merlot.org
  • Nextcloud
  • Amazon S3 - enables users to copy files from Amazon S3 storage instances
  • OneDrive bring in files from your Microsoft OneDrive
  • WebDAV -bring in files from external sources using WebDAV protocol
  • YouTube videos - search for and display YouTube videos
3. Quiz and Questions

You may add a variety of different types of questions in the Quiz and Lesson modules.  Quiz settings have numerous options to fit in to any circumstances.

  • Calculated
  • Calculated multi-choice
  • Calculated simple
  • Drag and drop into text
  • Drag and drop markers
  • Drag and drop onto image
  • Description
  • Essay
  • Matching
  • Embedded Answers (Cloze Test / Gap Fill)
  • Multiple choice
  • Short Answer
  • Numerical
  • Random short-answer matching
  • Select missing words
  • True/False
  • Many custom question types
4. Gradebook
  • A versatile, comprehensive, customizable gradebook and grading methods are available
  • Standard or custom scales
  • Outcomes
  • Grade categories
  • Grade weights
  • Comprehensive reports
  • Grade export
  • Grade import
  • Advanced Rubrics
  • Competency based marking
5. Others
  • Attendance
  • Conditional activities
  • Gamification
  • Course certificate
  • Feedback
  • Internal private and group messaging
  • Receive notifications about assignments, forum, examinations, online meeting schedule, events etc.
  • Modern, easy to use interface
  • Personalised Dashboard
  • Collaborative tools and activities
  • All-in-one calendar
  • Convenient file management
  • Simple and intuitive text editor
  • Track progress
  • Embed external resources
  • Direct learning paths
  • Multimedia Integration
  • Group management
  • Marking workflow
  • In-line marking
  • Peer and self assessment
  • Integrated Badges
  • Security and privacy
  • Plagiarism check
  • Customisable site design and layout
  • Secure authentication and mass enrolment
  • Multilingual capability
  • Bulk course creation and easy backup
  • Manage user roles and permissions
  • Supports open standards
  • High interoperability
  • Simple plugin management
  • Regular security updates
  • Course Development
  • Direct learning paths

(Edited by Moodle Administrator - original submission Monday, 28 February 2022, 1:13 PM)